Inspired by the classic Getter 1 character from the Getter Robo mecha anime, Dragon Horse presents the first addition to their new Super Robot Legend series of articulated figures, SRL-01 Getter Akaoni! Getter Akaoni can be converted into three small mecha ships. While in it's completed robot state, the figure comes with several interchangeable parts and accessories and is fully articulated, allowing the collector to display Getter Akaoni in a variety of different poses.
Product Features:
5.31 inches tall (13.5cm)
Made of ABS, PVC, and POM
Based on Getter 1 from the Getter Robo anime
Part of the Super Robot Legend series
Multiple points of articulation
Interchangeable parts and accessories
Converts from robot to 3 small ships
Instructions may or may not include English translation
Box Contents:
Getter Akaoni figure
3 Pairs of hand parts
Getta Ray effect
Getta wing