Kronen the Destined Barbarian King! Kronen is the last hope of his once mighty people: to return hope, honor, and most of all glory back to their land. However he must undergo great trials and tribulations before returning to them. Armed with the Sword of Destiny and his mighty Axe no amount of distance or adversity will keep him from this. He is everything lesser men of this Brutal Realm want to be but he must become more, much more if he is to fulfill is his destiny.
These HIGHLY articulated action figures come in 1:12 scale, standing around 6.75 inches. With at least 32 points of articulation, and a leaning towards adult themes is what Brutal Realm Toys wants to bring to the Action Figure collecting world. These figures will come with removable accessories, deeply rich lore, and a lack of restraint for making action figures directed squarely to adults and their taste for the brutal barbaric world we all fantasize about.
Product Features:
1/12 Scale
Made of plastic
Part of the Brutal Realm line
Over 32 points of articulation
Wide range of accessories
Box Contents:
Kronen figure
3 Pairs of interchangeable hands
Pair of fists
Pair of grasping hands
Pair of weapon holding hands
Sword of Destiny