Gundam Astraea II, that first appeared in Revealed Chronicle, an original project with director, Mizushima, and other official staff is finally unveiled!
The double drive test machine based on a Kanetake Ebikawa design is produced with a completely new design compatible with various new and old equipment in what is considered the culmination of the series! Enjoy a variety of silhouette changes that matches the Proto XN Unit (sold separately).
Product Description
・Main body
・GND shield x 2
・GND beam rifle
・Backpack set for use in the double drive test
・Arm mounting parts
・Leg hard point parts set
・Exchangeable hand left/right x 4 types
・Shoulder joint parts set
・Joint parts set
・GND Beam Saber set
・Original display stand set
・Set of auxiliary supports
Product Material: ABS, PVC, Diecast
Size: Height approx 7.3inch